2: Not to entertain thoughts of other gods besides Him

2: Not to entertain thoughts of other gods besides Him

The Book of Knowledge
Fundamentals of Torah

Not to entertain thoughts of other gods besides Him (Ex 20:3)

            two ASTRONAUTS at work in a space station

­–          you’re thinking again-

–          no

–          thinking about-

 –          can we-

–          you’re thinking about-

–          can we focus on-

 –          stop thinking about-

–          you cannot police my thoughts you cannot tell me what i can and cannot think you cannot be in my brain you cannot be my brain you cannot be me you cannot-

–          stop it
          all right
          stop it

–          pass me that-

–          because if you do
          if you keep thinking about…
          well then we die

–          extreme wouldn’t you say?

–          yes these are extreme extreme EXTREME circumstances

–          pass me-

–          we are in literally
          literally in the black void
          the From-Whence-Life-Begins-And-Returns Place
          we are floating above, outside of our world
          our context
          we are outside our own context 

–          focus

–          most humans
          most ANY AND ALL THINGS
          never exist outside of their context

–          “above Earth” that is the context
          this space station rusting and rotting
          our context
          for now
          and when we’re done-

–          don’t think that-

–          when we’re done
          then i’ll be home

–          don’t think about-

–          i’m thinking about it
            i’m thinking about my lover
            i’m thinking about warm socks on a cold day
            i’m thinking about replacing my blinds
            i’m thinking about hot fudge sundaes
            i’m thinking about driving to work
            i’m thinking about my life 

–          the problem is
            all of that
            all of that that’s Earth life
            and Earth is wondrous but we do not serve Earth right now
            right now we serve- 

–          the Void

–          and you can only serve one at a time
            or you invite mind-decay

–          my mind is fine

–          if all you think about on Earth is the Void
            you’ll be flattened by the cold incomprehensibility
            and if all you think about in the Void is Earth
            then you’ll die salivating for what you’ve had and what you might get
            each province has its own God
            each God to its own time and place 

–          all right then
            i’m not thinking about Earth
            i’m thinking about the Void 

–          you’re thinking about the Void

–          i’m thinking about the Void

–          you’re thinking about the Void 

–          i’m thinking about the Void

 –          you’re thinking about the Void 

–          i’m thinking about the Void
          it’s magnificent the Void
          isn’t it?

–          that’s why we serve Her
            not submission but alliance
            a pact made in the dark to worship the flame
            in the hopes she’ll bring light 

–          yes
          now pass the pistol-grip
            there’s repairs to make