28: Not to worship idols in the four ways we worship God

28: Not to worship idols in the four ways we worship God

The Book of Knowledge
Laws of Idolatry and Paganism

Not to worship idols in the four ways we worship God (Ex. 20:5)

            a group of WORSHIPPERS stand before an ark

            they all wear 80s power suits in bold colors

            the ark is painted pitch black and bolted shut with a golden lock

            a bell tolls

            the WORSHIPPERS kneel before the ark

            they whisper prayers we cannot hear

            they stand up again

            they kneel and pray and rise in ecstatic rotation

            the bell tolls again

            they all stop and stand

            they wait in silence

            the bell tolls

            each WORSHIPPER pulls out a small glass filled with wine

            they pour the wine over their own heads

            lapping it up as it drips down their face

            the bell tolls

            they all drop their glasses to the floor

            shards litter the ground

            the WORSHIPPERS wait in silence

            the bell tolls

            one WORSHIPPER goes to the ark

            opens it

            an inhuman howl emerges from the ark

            it’s too dark to see what’s in there

            the WORSHIPPER reaches their hand into the ark

            they pull out a gleaming 18th-century pistol

            they load the pistol with a single bullet

            they raise the pistol in the air

            they fire the pistol

            the WORSHIPPER brings the pistol around to everyone

            they each sniff the barrel

            using their hands to waft the smell of smoke and gunpowder to their nose

            once everyone has had a turn

            the bell tolls

            the WORSHIPPER places the pistol on the ground and steps back

            they wait

            the bell tolls

            the same WORSHIPPER who fired the pistol removes their power suit

            until they are in their underwear

            the same WORSHIPPER loads the pistol with another bullet

            they wait

            the bell tolls

            a YOUNG BOY enters in a child-size 80s power suit

            the YOUNG BOY is handed the gun by the nearly-naked WORSHIPPER

            the YOUNG BOY raises the gun at the WORSHIPPER

            they wait

            they wait

            they wait

            the bell tolls

            the YOUNG BOY fires

            the WORSHIPPER falls down dead

thoughts and prayers

            the group drags the body to the ark

            throws it into the darkness

            they place the pistol back in the ark

            the inhuman howl comes from the open ark again

            the WORSHIPPERS and YOUNG BOWL howl with it

            END OF PLAY